
A vibrant neighborhood of shops, restaurants, workspaces and dwellings where ideas are born and businesses grow.

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A Conversation at The Girard

Please join us at The Girard for a discussion with The Girard’s Design Team focusing on the intersection of architecture, landspace architecture, planning and hospitality.

Panel Participants include:
Morris Adjmi (Morris Adjmi Architects)
Randy Cook (Method Hospitality)
Margie Ruddick (Margie Ruddick Landscape)
Michael Prifti (BLT Architects)
Daniel Killinger (National Real Estate Development)

Moderated by Inga Saffron (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Event Details

Date: October 7, 2019
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Cost: Free


The Girard
1199 Ludlow Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
View Venue Website